Tag Archives: Breaking Bad

Loikamania 121: The Best of 2012.


Pat is joined by Adam and Antonio to talk about their favorite things from 2012. Comics, TV, movie, music…everything in pop-culture is covered in this first Loikamania of 2013!

Cover art by Ramon Perez from Tale of Sand, design by Chris Maze.

Music by The Revengineers and Echo Lake.

Adam’s twitter: twitter.com/adamwitt
Adam’s podcast: comicswillbreakyourheart.tumblr.com
Antonio’s twitter:twitter.com/antoniopcuneo
Antonio’s blog: http://readwatchedandseen.tumblr.com/ 
Comic Impact: comicimpact.com

DC Noise 158 – I Swallowed Successfully

In a world of podcast as Darrell, Mike and Keith are moving to throw the ring into the fire they team up with Robert Atkins, Alan (New Mutant), Barbara Myers (labbarb), and Chuck “The Champ” from Star Joes.

This journey takes us on a lot of crazy talk but we manage to discuss OMAC #4, Penguin Pain and Prejudice #3, Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad, Batwing #4, Muppets vs. Community, Cobra Commander, Tripwire, G.I. Joe and Star Wars the Clone Wars.