Comic Book Noise 364: Dog Days of Podcasting: Marvel Female Character Most Worthy of Respect

Host Derek Coward returns to answer the seemingly simple question “Ms./Captain Marvel, Storm, and Black Widow: These are the first names that get mentioned whenever the topic of Marvel females comes up. What Marvel female do you think deserves as much respect?” but as we know nothing is ever that simple.

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Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 346


With Steve Raker on vacation the inmates are running the asylum. Andrew, Kevin, and Phil discuss some indie comics and probably go on a tangent or two with Transformers Vs. G.I. Joe #1 (IDW), Hexed (2014 – Boom!), Captain Victory & Galactic Rangers #1 (Dynamite), The Legend of Oz: The Wicked West (Big Dog Ink), Netflix original Anime: Knights of Sidonia & the manga (Vertical), The Delinquents #1 (Valiant), and The Boom! Studios Humble Bumble!

Comic Book Noise 362: Dog Days of Podcasting: Comic Book Universe Creation Mistake Avoidance

Host Derek Coward returns to answer the seemingly simple question “Lets say that you were to create your own comics universe; what mistakes would you be sure to avoid?” but as we know nothing is ever that simple.

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Loikamania 199: Guardians of the Galaxy Review

Episode199_GotG ReviewThis week, Pat is joined by Tini Howard and Chris Troy as we talk about the Guardians of the Galaxy movie! We talk about our favorite bits, the story, the performances, and of course, the soundtrack! Does this movie beat Pat’s vaunted Avengers streak? Find out here!

Cover art designed by Chris Maze and illustrated by Matt Ferguson.

Chris on twitter: @theANARChris

Tini on twitter: @TiniHoward
Tini’s tumblr:

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Pat on twitter: @patloika