Category Archives: Marvel Noise

Marvel Noise Episode 330

A solo Steve May-the-4th effort as he spews forth his recent reads: lingering fallout across titles from Operation: Galactic Storm (the ’90s event covered on Episode 328) and over 50 Star Wars books, including Star Wars 44-61, Darth Vader (2nd series) 11-18, Dr Aphra 14-25, the Age of the Republic one-shots, and more! @marvelnoise #MN330 #MayThe4th

Marvel Noise Episode 329

Talking about Marvel recent reads before vacation, including Millie the Model Annual 2, Amazing Spider-Man: Hunted, Spider-Man: City at War, Spider-Man: Life Story – The ’60s, Meet the Skrulls, Conan: Age of Belit, Ms Marvel, Marvel Rising, the Captain Marvel movie, and Uncanny X-Men…Enjoy! @marvelnoise #MN329

Marvel Noise Episode 322

A special Con-Men episode buys us some time after technical difficulties (resulting in a lost, unsalvageable segment) caused unexpected delays! Steve, Gary Arkell, and Andrew the LArabbit report on their adventures at the AlbanyComicBookShow, the New York ComicCon, and the LA ComicCon, respectively…..Enjoy! #MN322 @marvelnoise