Category Archives: Indie Comic Book Noise

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 576 – I’m Not Paying 2 Dollars

As Andy has some issues and looses focus (of course) Kevin and Phil try to right this indie ship.

Comic Shop News is still being published

News and chit-chat about movies and more

The Heroes Union #2 by David MIchelinie, Ron Frenz & Chris Nye (Sitcomics via Kickstarter)
Runs until March 1

Kickstarter and publishers unfamiliar to Andy

The good old days… and no more graded comics

Comics, keep them, sell them or give them away?

Power Lords #1 by Dennis Culver, Matt Hotson, V. Ken Marion, Andrew Dalhouse (Nacelleverse – Oni Press)

GI Joe #1 by Tom Reilly, Joshua Williamson, Jordie Bellaire (Image – Skybound imprint)

The Rocketfellers #1 by Peter J. Tomasi, Francis Manapul (Image – Ghost Machine)

Savage Tales #1 Anthology from Dynamite with David Avallone, Hamish Cook, Jorge Sutil, Eman Cassallos, Mariano Benitez Chapo, Kurt Busiek, Benjamin Dewey
The link says $4.99 but mine has a cover price of $5.99

Kevin’s suggests Sakamoto Days anime on Netflix

Shout Outs
Super Steve

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

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Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 575 – 575 is still alive in 2025

Andy is outnumbered once again by Phil and Kevin.

News and speculation

Badger – Mad Monkey Shock ‘N’ Roll #1 by Mike Baron, Val Mayerik, Mark Englert, Willie Schubert (1First Comics)

Board game talk

The Boys: This is Going to Hurt Board Game from 1First Games $70

The Death of Copra #1 by Michel Fiffe (Image)

The Great Comic Book Heroes by Jules Feiffer (Bonanza Books) which also includes Golden Age comic book reprints so lots of great art and creators

The Sacred Damned Horizon Experiment (One-Shot) by Sabir Pirzada, Michael Walsh (Image)

Steve Ellis Playmats and Tokens campaign run by a different company

Super Steve

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

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Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 574 – This is ICBN time

Andy, Kevin, Phil, and Steve throw another omnibus on the fire and talk some comic books.

Diamond chatter and news that is dated (We love that)

Conan the Barbarian #13-16 by Doug Braithwaite, Jim Zub, Diego Rodriguez (Titan Comics)

Welcome to the Maynard #1 by James Robinson, J. Bone, Ian Herring, Jim Campell (Dark Horse).

Boom Squad #2 by Stuart Black (Kickstarter)

Razor Uncut #19, #21 by Kevin Hill, Richard Pollard, Slick, Steve Scott, Samuel Varney (London Night Studios)

Wally Wood: Strange Science Fiction by Wally Wood (Vanguard Productions)
Wally Wood: Eerie Tales of Crime and Horror by Wally Wood (Vanguard Productions)

Archie talk, horror, Red Circle


Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

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Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 573 – Except These Ones Are Good

2024 is in the bag and the bag is down the river. Steve, Andy, Kevin, and Phil discuss 2024 stuff throughout the show.

One for Sorrow by Jamie McKelvie (DSTLRY)

The Ghost Machine universe from Image – Steve updates on all of them

Satan’s Swarm TBP by Steve Niles, Piotr Kowlaksi, Lovern Kindzierksi (Dark Horse)

City Beneath Her Feet by Elsa Charretier, James Tynion IV (DSTLRY)

Ryan Dunlavey Art Book vol 2 – Extra Cheese


Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

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Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 572 – Euro-Comics or the Non-Holiday, Holiday Episode

Andy is back to regale Steve, Kevin, and Phil with a trip report. Guess these should be trip men segments not con men?!

Savage Dragon #6 by Erik Larsen, Steve Oliff, Tom Rippert, Martin Schatke, Simeon Hrissomallis, Charles Bone (Zauberstern Comics) Reprinting the original 1995 issues #17-19. The cover to this reprint is from Issue #20.

Conan the Barbarian #1-16 by Jim Zub, Roberto de la Torre, Doug Braithwaite. Diego Rodriguez (Titan Comics)

TCAF is moving for 2025, date and location

Lucky Luke: Letzte Runder Fur die Daltons by Achede and Jul (Egmont)

The World Below by Paul Chadwick and Ron Randall (Dark Horse)

Horror Schocker #74 by Andreas Butzbach, Sonja Neva Kurio, Levin Kurio, The Lep, Michael Musal, Kristina Jung (Weissblech Comics)

Wally Wood: Galaxy Art and Beyond by Wally Wood, Roger Hill, Scott Dunbier (IDW)

Feral #9 by Jan Wiesemann, Omer Yalinkilic, M.W. Ludwig, Kritzelkunst, Tim Schulze Dieckhoff, Marc Hairapetian, Ester Cardella (Chapter X Comic)

Shout Outs

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 572 – Euro-Comics or the Non-Holiday, Holiday Episode first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 571 – I’m My Own Fool

We have all four hosts for the holiday time festivities in a dull state of confusion?

Super Joe Unlimited #1 by Scott Pierce, Austin Hough, Steven Butler, J. Brown, Justin Birch (Power Comics Group)

Captain Sternn Running Out of Time #1 by Bernie Wrightson (Kitchen Sink)

Andy scores randomly signed dollar comics at a sale (Army Suplus Komikz Featuring Cutey Bunny #2 and Wally Wood’s T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1-2).

Wally Wood’s EC Stories Artisan Edition by Wally Wood, Al Feldstein (IDW)

The Best of Wonder Wart-Hog TPB by Gilbert Shelton (Knockabout Comics)

Black Hammer: Spiral City #1 by Jeff Lemire, Teddy Kristiansen, Nate Piekos (Dark Horse)

The Big Burn #1-2 by Joe Henderson, Lee Garbett

Minky Woodcock, The Girl Called Cthulhu #2 by Cynthia Von Buhler (Hardcase imprint of Titan)

Episode 451 (way back in the summer of 2020) is where Super Steve discusses Minky Woodcock: The Girl who Handcuffed Houdini.

Spawn Kills Every Spawn #1-2 By John Layman, Rob Duenas, Robert Nugent (Image)


Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 571 – I’m My Own Fool first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 570 – The Inventory Episode

Not assistant editors month, not a filler issue, not an imaginary story, not an…okay maybe an inventory episode.

News that is now history

Toy Talk

Black Hammer Vol 8 The End by Jeff Lemire, Malachi Ward, Nate Piekos (Dark Horse)

Licensed comics and cross-over talk

Atlas comics and their possible movies

Scarlett #5 by Kelly Thompson, Marco Ferrari, Lee Loughridge (Image Comics)

The Road Graphic Novel by Cormac McCarthy, Manu Larcenet (Abrams)

Sesame Street #2 by Stephanie Williams Michela Cacciatore, Beth Hughes, Valentina Pinto, Shawn Lee (Oni Press)

Dandadan anime talk

Super Steve

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 570 – The Inventory Episode first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 569 – A Book to kill a Horse With

It’s starting to feel like winter as Steve, Andy, Kevin, and Phil are here to talk mostly kickstarters??!

News, albeit somewhat dated now

Sha Vol 1 by Pat Mills & Olivier Ledroit: Ends December 8

Eat Fighter: The Collected Edition by Crystal Skillman, Fred Van Lente, Fernando Pinto – Ends December 12

Originally was a digital comic:

The Bunnyman’s Furry Nightmare by Nick Bermel, Joey Brusha, Joe Brusha, Unai de Zarate, Leonardo Paciarotti (Zenescope)

The latest kickstarter is closed but they might do more. Andy did back the digital one.

Morlock 2001 #1-2 by Michael Fleisher, Al Milgrom, Jack Abel (Atlas)
Morlock 2001 and the Midnight Men #3 by Gary Friedrich, Steve Ditko, Berni Wrightson (Atlas)

The Automaton by Dave Dwonch, Santi Guillen, Arnaldo Robles (Via Kickstarter)

Babs #1-3 by Garth Ennis, Jacen Burrows (Ahoy Comics)

Bounty Boys #1 by Darin Henry, Randy Bishop, Randy and Glenn Whitmore, DC Hopkins (SItcomics)

Uncanny Valley #1-5 by Tony Fleecs and Dave Watchter (Boom! Studios)

CPS Possessed and Confused by Jon Westhoff, Matta Sorcier, Mariam Yasser (Part-Time Comix via Kickstarter)

Original Art, art books which leads to Wally Wood

Shout Outs

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 569 – A Book to kill a Horse With first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 568 – This is the House with the Comics

Post Halloween hijinks with Super Steve, Andy, Kevin, and Phil.

Outtatime Comics from Mike Spring with titles Red, White & Broke, Uncaped and the 8-Bit Slasher

He has an upcoming kickstarter (unless this show is really late and it already happened)

Bionic Woman #2, 4 by Jack Sparling (not credited in book but found via internet. The book only has the TV show credits). Charlton Comics from 1978.

P.S. Richard Anderson did play Oscar Goldman on the TV show

New Pets by Jesse Jacobs (Hollow Press Comics)

Flash Gordon #1-3 by Jeremy Adams and Will Conrad (Mad Cave) and Flash Gordon Quarterly #1

Steve and Andy are still reading Gatchaman from Mad Cave (#4) by Cullen Bunn, Chris Batista, Sabrian Cintron, Carlos Lopez, Buddy Beaudoin

Andy is also still reading Savage Sword #5 and Sesame Street #3 comics

Kevin needs to sell Andy on Resurgence #1-2 from Valiant

Come Find me: An Autumnal Offering #1 by Becky Cloonan, Hamlet Machine, Celine Loup (DSTLRY)

My Bullshit #2 by Ryan Dunlavey (Evil Twin Comics via Kickstarter)

Shout Outs

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 568 – This is the House with the Comics first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 567 – Creepy Wholesome Halloween Traditions

Our seasonal Halloween episode with Steve, Kevin, Andy, and Phil.

The Best of 100% Biodegradable Comic Anthology Vol 1-3 by various creators (Biomekazoik)

Oni Press EC Comics titles

Toy talk

Creature from the Black Lagoon Lives! #1-4 by Dan Watters, Ram V, Matthew Roberts, Dave Stewart (Image)

Her Frankenstein by Kawashima Norikazu translated by Ryan Holmberg (Smudge imprint of Living the Line)

Patra #1-2 by James Robinson, Scott Kolins, Jim Campbell (Dark Horse)

Back Issue #155 TwoMorrows Publishing

What we watch and what we suggest for the holiday.

Shout Outs

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 567 – Creepy Wholesome Halloween Traditions first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.