Category Archives: DC Noise

DC Weekly Reads Episode 12 – Doctor Strange?

Mike and Darrell discuss Mother Panic #1, Deathstroke #6, Wonder Woman #10, Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #1, All Star Batman #4, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #4, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #8, Doom Patrol #3, Superwoman #4, Flash #10, Supergirl #3, New Super-man #5, Red Hood and the Outlaws #4, Action Comics #967, Detective Comics #944, Earth 2 #32 and Doctor Strange the Movie.


DC Weekly Reads Episode 11 – Six Million Dollar Rebirth

Join Mike and Darrell as they are joined by Ronnie and Aaron from Rebirthically to discuss this weeks DC Books: Aquaman #10, Batman #10, Catwoman Election Night #1, Cyborg #4, Death of Hawkman #2, Everafter #3, Green Arrow #10, Green Lanterns #10, Harley Quinn #7, Justice League #8, Midnighter/Apollo #2, Nightwing #8, Shade the Changing Girl #2, Superman #10


DC Weekly Reads 10 – Mockingbird

Join Mike and Darrell as they discuss some Marvel books as well as Action Comics #966, Batgirl #4, Batman Beyond #1, Blue Beetle #2, Deathstoke #5, Detective Comics #943, Flash #9, Frostbite #2, Hal and the Green Lantern Corps #7, Hellblazer #3, Six Pack/Dog Welder #3, Suicide Squad #5, Teen Titans #1, Titans #4, Vigilante: Southland #1, Wonder Woman #9, Wonder Woman Anniversary #1


DC Weekly Reads 8 – Deathstroke in Gotham

Join Mike and Darrell as the talk about books shipped 10/12/16. Action Comics #965, All-Star Batman #3, American Vampire Anthology #2, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #3, Deathstroke #4, Detective Comics #942, Doom Patrol #2, Everafter #1-2, Flash #8, Gotham Academy #2, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #6, Lost Boys #1, New Super-man #4, Red Hood and the Outlaws #3, Suicide Squad #4, Supergirl #2, Superwoman #3, Wonder Woman #8

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DC Weekly Reads 7 – New Frontier

Join Mike and Darrell as they discuss New York Comic Con, Midnighter and Apollo #1, Death of Hawkman #1, Nightwing #6, Shade the changing girl #1, He-man/Thundercats #1, Harley Quinn #5, Green Lanterns #8, Justice League #6, Green Arrow #8, Superman #8, Frostbite #1, Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1, Cyborg #2, Batman #8, Aquaman #8, Batman 66 meets Steed and Mrs. Peel #4

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DC Weekly Reads 6 – Tangents

Join Mike and Darrell as they answer listener questions, go over their weekly rankings and discuss Hellblazer #2, Blue Beetle #1, Sixpack and Dog Welder #2, Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1, Batman Beyond Rebirth #1, Suicide Squad #3, Detective Comics #941, Titans #3, Teen Titans: Rebirth #1, Batgirl #3, Wonder Woman #7, Flash #7, Action Comics #964, Deathstroke #3, Hal and the Green Lantern Corps #5
