Category Archives: DC Noise

DC Weekly Reads 19 – Take Out

Join Mike and Darrell as they discuss Titans #1, Justice League of America: Vixen #1, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #6, Earth 2 Society #20, Action Comics #971, Deathstroke #10, All Star Batman #6, Detective Comics #948, Flash #14, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #12, Justice League/Power Rangers #1, Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4, New Superman #7, Red Hood and the Outlaws #6, Suicide Squad #9, Supergirl #5, Superwoman #6, Wonder Woman #14


DC Weekly Reads 18 – The Blue Apron

Join Mike and Darrell as they discuss Midnighter and Apollo #4, Justice League of America: The Atom #1, Justice League #12, Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3, Nightwing #12, Batman #14, Green Lanterns #14, The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #1, Green Arrow #14, Superman #14, Aquaman #14, Death of Hawkman #4, Cyborg #8, Shade the changing girl #4, Scooby Doo Where are you #77

DC Weekly Reads 17 – Inhuman Mosaic

Join Mike and Darrell as they discuss DC books for two weeks 12/21 and 12/28. Batman Beyond #3, Batman Beyond cartoon Superman #11, Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1-2, Detective Comics #947, Batgirl #6, Justice League #11, Titans #6, Trinity #4, Vigilante Southland #3, Cyborg #7, Green Arrow #13, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #11, Blue Beetle #4, Green Lanterns #11, All Star Batman #5, Nightwing #11, Supergirl: Being Super #1,Batman #11, Aquaman #11, Hellblazer #5


DC Weekly Reads 16 – The Goblin Queen

Get ready as Mike and Darrell discuss The Goblin Queen, IvX, and the DC books released on December 14, 2016. Wonder Woman #12, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 10, Deathstroke #8, Suicide Squad #8, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #5, Action Comics #969, Detective Comics #946, and much more. We also discuss Rogue One in detail at the very end.

DC Weekly Reads 15 – X is for Cyclops

Join Mike and Darrell as they discuss books released on 12/7/2016. Everlast #4, Midnighter and Apollo #3, Death of Hawkman #3, Batman #12, Superman #12, Cyborg #6, Justice League #10, Nightwing #8, Aquaman #12, Green Lanterns #12, Green Arrow #12, Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #2, Harley Quinn #9, Shade, the changing girl #3

DC Weekly Reads 13 – Harbinger Renegades Top Spot

Join Mike and Darrell as they discuss books released December 16th. Batman #11, Aquaman #11, Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #2, Cyborg #5, Green Arrow #11, Green Lanterns #11, He-man/Thundercats #2, Justice League #9, Nightwing #9, Raven #3, Suicide Squad #6, Superman #11, Suicide Squad: Most Wanted #4, Trinity #32