Category Archives: DC Noise

DC Weekly Reads 24 – Logan

Superman #18, Action Comics #975, Nightwing #16, Batgirl and Birds of Prey #8, Midnighter and Apollo #6, Death of Hawkman #6, Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #3, Batman #18, Detective Comics #952, Deathstroke #14, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #16, Flash #18, Suicide Squad #13, Red Hood and the Outlaws #8, Frostbite #6, Savage Things #1, Wonder Woman #18.   We also discuss Logan and The X-men

DC Weekly Reads 23 – Flashpoint books

Join Mike as he goes solo to discuss Kamandi Challenge #2, Batman Beyond #5, Action Comics #974, Batgirl #8, Deathstroke #13, Wonder Woman #17, Flash #17, Suicide Squad #12, Detective Comics #951, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #15, Justice League of America #1, Teen Titans #5, Blue Beetle #6

DC Weekly Reads 22 – Orphan Gestures

Join Mike and Darrell as they discuss Titans #8, Justice League of America Rebirth #1, Detective Comics #950, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #7, Action Comics #973, Deathstroke #12, Red Hood and the Outlaws #7, Flash #16, Superwoman #7, Earth Society #21, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #14, New Super-man #8, All Star Batman #7, Legion of Super-heroes 5-10, Detective Comics #858-860, Batman #346, Detective Comics #514, Batman #397-398, Detective Comics #563-564, Riverdale

DC Weekly Reads 21 – Powerless

Join Mike and Darrell as they discuss Riverdale, Powerless, Legion of Super-heroes 1-5 (Five Years Later), Detective Comics #857, Aquaman #16, Harley Quinn #13, Midnighter and Apollo #5, Green Arrow #16, Batman #16, Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #2, Death of Hawkman #5, Nightwing #1, Cyborg #9, Green Lanterns #16, Justice League #14

DC Weekly Reads 20 – Riverdale

Join Darrell and Mike as they discuss the new format for the show, discuss Riverdale (spoilers), Varsity Blues, Split, Deathstroke #11, Kamandi Challenge #1, Detective Comics #949, Suicide Squad #10, Odyssey of the Amazons #1, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #13, Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6, Flash #15, Justice League of America: Killer Frost #1, Batman Beyond #4, JLA Vol 7, Checkmate Vol 2 #1, Detective Comics #854