All posts by Comic Book Noise Family

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 538 – Edge of Jason-verse

Andy needs to stop playing with his toys while recording or whatever happened to Bent Con with Kevin, Andy and Phil.

Shortcomings movie is a comic book movie (Adrian Tomine)

IDW news

General chitter-chatter

Phil buys indie comics at

The 4Horsefemmes #1-24 by Stuart Black

TMNT movie is getting good buzz but none of us have seen it. Leads to other TMNT movie talk and toy talk

Heavy Metal Magazine news and other rambles

Jayson by Jeff Krell

Casper and Nightmare the Galloping Ghost #43 From 1973 (Harvey Comics). Uncredited but cover attributed to Warren Kremer by Heritage Auctions

Antarctica #1 by Simon Birks, Willi Roberts (Top Cow)

Shout Outs
Super Steve

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 538 – Edge of Jason-verse first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

Marvel Noise Episode 418 – Solo Namor IV, Dr Faustus, and Recent Reads!

Steve’s 4th dive into solo Sub-Mariner stories, this time with Tales to Astonish #95-99 from 1967 as Namor encounters The Plunderer! Then Kevin and Andrew join Steve for a Super-Villain Classic from Captain America #231-236 featuring Doctor Faustus and guest-starring Daredevil! We wrap up with overflow from last episode’s summertime reading Recent Reads Roundtable, including an update on the X-Books, their close association to the current Iron Man series, Blade’s new book, another send-off for Nick Fury, Spider-Man Manga, Daredevil, G.I. Joe, The Scarlet Witch, a new Moon Knight limited series, and a golden-age Sub-Mariner tale from the pages of Blonde Phantom #17! #MN418

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 537 – Then Stan Lee Claims he Co-created Judge Dredd

Andy claims background noise can drive you crazy but maybe Phil, Kevin, and Steve think it’s more likely to happen with Ode to Clarissa, but comics, and toys, and movies, and video games?!

Kickstarter’s New AI policy

My Bullshit #2 by Ryan Dunlavey is now live. Check it out:

The New TMNT movie is coming which leads to toy talk

Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel to be Kin #1-7 by Geof Darrow (Dark Horse). Collected edition link below

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel comic book adaptations

Debug magazine (and video game talk)

Judge Dredd #26 by John Wagner, Alan Grant (aka “T.B. Grover” for Wagner and Grant), Barry Kitson (Reprint from 2000AD #484) and other stories also included in it (Quality Comics)

Sissonne #1 by Lee Newman, Reinaldo Lay Contreras, Steve Canon, Greg Deng, Brian Coles (Benalee Books)

The Wrong Earth: Night and Day #1-6 by Tom Peyer, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro (Ahoy Comics)

Miss Truesdale and the Fall of Hyperborea #1-2 by Mike Mignola, Jesse Lonergan (Dark Horse)

Anthony Bourdain’s Hungry Ghost OGN by Joel Rose, Anthony Bourdain, Alberto Ponticelli, Vanesa Del Rey, Leonardo Manco, Mateus Santolouco Sebastian Cabrol, Paul Pope, Irene Koh, Franesco Francavilla (Berger Books imprint of Dark Horse Comics)

You’ve been cancelled #2 by Curt Pires, Kevin Castaniero, Jason Wordie (Mad Cave Comics)

Derek Coward

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 537 – Then Stan Lee Claims he Co-created Judge Dredd first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

Marvel Noise Episode 417 – Giant-Size Recent Reads Roundtable

It’s the first part of our what’cha-been-reading-this-summer Giant-Size Recent Reads Summer Spectacular, featuring What If…?, The Incredible Hulk, Thunderbolts, The Punisher, The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor, Ultimate Invasion, The X-Books, Alien, and more! #MN417

BOOM! Addiction: S4E10 – Talking Mech Cadets #1 and More!

This episode we’re discussing:

– This week’s news – Final Order Cutoff (FOC) due at your shop before August 14 – Upcoming Releases for August 16

We’ll also dive into: – Mech Cadet #1 – Damn Them All #7 – House of Slaughter #16 – Ghostlore #4

We hope you enjoy!

Contact info: Website:   Facebook: Fans of BOOM! Studios YouTube:     

Forums:  Email Address: 

Twitter:  Ed:  Chris: 

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 536 – Lost at Sea

Not that Lost at Sea as Kevin, Andy and Phil fumble though 1’s and 0’s in the internet (like another famous character) to make another quick episode happen.

News from SDCC? more like idle speculation

Night Fever OGN by Sean Philips and Ed Brubaker (Image)

Long time Artist – Writer combos

The “Ryan” referenced by Andy is “Ryan Dunlavey” who has an active Kickstarter we will discuss on the next episode at:

The “Jeremy” referenced by Andy is “Jeremy Bastian”

Phil is now into Manga

All Negro Comics 75th Anniversary Hard Cover Reprint by Orrin C. Evans, George J. Evans, Jr., John H. Terrell, WIlliam H. Smith, Leonard Cooper, remastered by Tony Washington. There are essays included as well and modern versions by Micah Peters, Ray-Anthony Height, Zipporah Smith, Manny Edeko, Deron Bennett, Domo Stanton, Chris Robinson, Ryan Marlow, Jasmine Hatcher, Sharean Morishita. (ANC75 but also a Kickstarter).

“Love is” comic strip

Kickstarter reprints

Shout Outs
Super Steve

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 536 – Lost at Sea first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.