All posts by Comic Book Noise Family

Marvel Noise Episode 428 – Unfinished Business

We circle back with the first of two segments to finish off covering the Bronze-Age Power-Man & Iron Fist title with issues 101-110 from October 1983 to July 1984, then Steve casts his 5th installment covering the Sub-Mariner’s solo stories, this time Tales to Astonish #100-101, the Iron Man & Sub-Mariner one-shot, and finally issue 1 of the ongoing Sub-Mariner title from the end of 1967 and the beginning of 1968! Imperious Rex! #MN428

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 547 – One of us Isn’t Going to Like This

Down to two hosts its that rarity of a beast with Phil and Kevin holding down the fort.

Scott Pilgrim takes off (Netflix)

Comic News and Phil outsmarts Kevin for the first item

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles new writer Jason Aaron

ROBOFORCE, BIKER MICE FROM MARS, SECTAURS and Dozens More Toy & Animation Icons Debut in NACELLEVERSE #0 – A 48-Page Spectacular Coming in March!

Beckett now grading manga

Dick Tracy comes to Mad Cave Studios

Bulletproof Chicken Jon Westhoff, Bobgar Ornelas, David Halvorson, Mat Nixon (King Bone Press)
Bulletproof Chicken Nuggets by Jon Westhoff, Mat Nixon, Ray Wegner, Bobgar Ornelas (King Bone Press)
Bullletproof Chicken Fare the Walking Cock by Jon Westhoff, Bobgar Ornelas, Ryan Vella (Part Time Comix)

Drumsticks of Doom Vol 1 Heavy Metal GN/ issues1-4 MAKE 100 Kickstarter

Adventureman: Ghost Lights #1 by Matt Fraction, Terry & Rachel Dodson (Image)

Under Ninja by Kengo Hanazawa (Denpa)

Andrew the LA Rabbit
Super Steve
Comicbook Speak Easy

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 547 – One of us Isn’t Going to Like This first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

Marvel Noise Episode 427 – Recent Reads Roundtable

Steve, Kevin and Andrew spew forth a Recent Reads Roundtable discussion that includes Kevin’s Controversial List ranking Marvel Studio phase 3 & 4 movies, Uncanny Spider-Man, The Reign of Marvel Studios book, Amazing Spider-Man – Gang War, Spider-Woman, New Warriors Marvel Legends figs, Wolverine, Woverine vs Predator, Thunderbolts #2, Avengers Unlimited digital comics, Incredible Hulk, Spider-Gwen – Smash, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Timeless #1! #MN427

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 546 – The System Worked…Eventually

Always perpetually late the crew is Andy-less missing the heart and soul (not a Scourge reference) of the podcast but Steve, Phil, and Kevin try to make due sailing into the new year.

Hellboy Web of Wyrd video game

Boardgame talk!

Demonic toys by Doug Campbell, J.H. Williams III, Larry Welch, Joseph Allen (Eternity)

CGC comics fraud controversy

Dyatlov Pass Mystery by Cedric Mayen, Eric Laurin, Jandro Gonzalez, Cromatik Ltd, James Hogan (Europe Comics)

Mary Tyler MooreHawk by Dave Baker and Dave Baker(?!) (Top Shelf Productions)

Martin Moon #1, 2 by Darko Macan and Goran Sudžuka (Panel Syndicate)

Midnight Western Theatre by Louis Southard, David Hahn. #1-5 (Scout Comics)

Andrew the LA Rabbit

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 546 – The System Worked…Eventually first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.