All posts by Comic Book Noise Family

Geek Brunch Retrocast 212 – Diamond Impacts

Join the guys as they discuss the bankruptcy of Diamond and the state of comics. Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, Walking Dead #2, Our Army at War #158

The post Geek Brunch Retrocast 212 – Diamond Impacts first appeared on DC Noise.

Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 574 – This is ICBN time

Andy, Kevin, Phil, and Steve throw another omnibus on the fire and talk some comic books.

Diamond chatter and news that is dated (We love that)

Conan the Barbarian #13-16 by Doug Braithwaite, Jim Zub, Diego Rodriguez (Titan Comics)

Welcome to the Maynard #1 by James Robinson, J. Bone, Ian Herring, Jim Campell (Dark Horse).

Boom Squad #2 by Stuart Black (Kickstarter)

Razor Uncut #19, #21 by Kevin Hill, Richard Pollard, Slick, Steve Scott, Samuel Varney (London Night Studios)

Wally Wood: Strange Science Fiction by Wally Wood (Vanguard Productions)
Wally Wood: Eerie Tales of Crime and Horror by Wally Wood (Vanguard Productions)

Archie talk, horror, Red Circle


Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 574 – This is ICBN time first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

Marvel Noise Episode 446 – A Classic Recent Reads Roundtable

Steve, Andrew & Kevin team up for a Recent Reads Roundtable of classic comics, featuring Thor #171, Daredevil #52 and Sub-Mariner #14-16 from 1969, The Champions #14-15 and Marvel Team-Up #65-66 from 1977, and a collection of Steranko’s Nick Fury! #MN446