Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 561 – Out in the Woods

And through the hills the train keep on rolling with Kevin, Andy, and Phil.

Sales and News

The Darques: Soulside #1 by Fred Van Lente and Sebastian Cabrol (Valiant/Alien books)

Phil does a deep dive on Crossgen. He claims to have all the titles (98% sure).

Cthulhu Invades Neverland Anthology from Orange Cone Productions

Kickstarter for their new Anthology – Cthulhu Invades Fairy Tales

Kill All Immortals #1 (Dark Horse) by Zack Kaplan, Fico Ossio, Thiago Rocha, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

Update on prior books.

Super Steve

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn, Bluesky:

The post Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 561 – Out in the Woods first appeared on Indie Comic Book Noise.

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