Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 487 – Autumnal Noise

Andy, Phil and Kevin are here to hopefully fill up that gap in the ICBN schedule. Time to rebrand, he says.

Andy got some big books and teases some future options.

Newspaper strips discussion

Super Heroes at the Indie show

Crimson Hardcover by Abigail Larson (kickstarter)

Miracle Man #1 by Alan Moore, Gary Leach, Mick Anglo (Eclipse)

Tease of Mazebook #1 by Jeff Lemire (Dark Horse)

Cartoon TV show talk – Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Infinite Train, Star Trek Lower Decks

The Spawn train is slowing down

Hot trades where they cost over cover price

Atomic Robo and the Dawn of a New Era by Brian Clevinger, Scott Wegener (IDW)

Super Steve

Enjoy! Twitter: @indiecomicbookn

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