Geek Brunch 181 – D&D is Nasty

Micah is out on assignment so Mike, Bill and guest Darrell discuss C2E2, Tyco Race Tracks, Rooster Duck vs. the Mermaids #2, Ted McKeever’s Miniature Jesus #1, Marvel Comics the Untold Story, Grimm Fairy Tales The Unleashed #0, Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth, Avengers Arena #7-8, Polarity #1, Uncanny Avengers #5, Rogues! #1, Ninjak #1-6, 0-00, Jupiter’s Legacy #1, Cable and the X-men, Defiance, End Game, Person of Interest, The Office, Toy Hunter, Orphan Black, Oblivion, Iron Man 3, You’re going to Miss Me, Dredd, Zero Dark Thirty
